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资金短缺正在挤压初创企业的预算, leading to smaller allocations for essential marketing functions such as web analytics, 搜索引擎优化, 还有邮件外联. Discover how AI can enable companies to perform these tasks at significantly lower costs.



Asset is a digital performance marketer who specializes in B2B lead generation and digital strategy. He has led successful marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies and a range of startups, 他管理的预算超过600美元,000. 他拥有经济学和商学学士学位, and a master’s in strategic marketing from Imperial College Business School in London.

Using AI in 项目管理: Key Applications and Benefits

当涉及到改善项目成果时, 人工智能潜力巨大, but it can be difficult to know which tools to use and how to apply them effectively. 本指南详细介绍了您需要知道的内容.



Dimiter is a project manager and senior business consultant. He has helped teams at global organizations such as Philips and Hewlett Packard 企业 solve complex problems using state-of-the-art technology.

Mastering Mobile Typography: Font Usage Tips and Best Practices

Don’t let inconsistent typefaces or subpar spacing impede accessibility or hurt your brand. These mobile typography guidelines will help enhance user experience and increase engagement.



Charles is a UI/UX designer and brand strategist with extensive experience in mobile-first design. He has worked with multinational companies such as Netflix and TikTok, 他还担任过创意总监, 监督团队进行高水平的设计项目, 包括重新设计网站和移动应用程序.

From Startup to Success: Mastering Business Controls for Growth

It’s a mistake to believe that internal controls are the enemy of growth. Learn how to design smart checks and balances that manage risk while positioning your company to thrive.



Brian is a seasoned finance leader who transitioned from the enterprise world to head up finance operations for numerous startups—including his own. 利用他作为kpmg合格审计师的专业知识, he has also led fraud and risk analyses for businesses of every size.

这到底是谁的工作? 敏捷角色和责任的现实指南

当组织扩展或混合敏捷时, job roles and responsibilities often stray from textbook definitions. Address role overlap and achieve alignment on your product teams with this guide.

Richard Abi Chahla

Richard Abi Chahla

Richard is a product manager and entrepreneur who has successfully bootstrapped multiple enterprises, SaaS网络和Windows解决方案, 以及移动应用程序. He’s managed agtech products for companies such as Yara International and Varda. From idea to launch, he’s led and consulted at more than eight tech startups.

Agile’s 下一个 Frontier: A Guide to Navigating the AI Project Life Cycle

The dynamism of AI-driven software development requires a specialized project management approach. This overview of the AI project life cycle details the key adaptations needed for success.

Alvaro Villena

Alvaro Villena

Alvaro is an experienced technical project manager and consultant. He has rolled out many SaaS implementation projects and delivered complex cloud and AI-driven projects at numerous companies worldwide.

How Thinking Like a 设计er Can Help Solve Complex Business Problems

不清楚的预期, 利益相关者的分歧, and conflicting interests can lead to inferior products and unhappy customers. Apply design thinking concepts to your next project to boost alignment and success.

Fanni Csincsak

Fanni Csincsak

Fanni is a lead product designer who works with finance, e-commerce, and software companies. With a master’s degree in cognitive neuroscience and a PhD in human-computer interaction, Fanni understands how design thinking can help solve problems within a range of industries. 她曾与Canua和AltaML等客户合作.

AI in QA: A Novel Framework for Delivering Quality Software Quickly

This AI-informed framework is designed to fast-track code reviews, 提高软件质量, 培养聪明, 软件开发中的成本效益决策.



Costas is a product and project management expert who specializes in sophisticated technology projects for highly competitive markets around the world. He has a doctorate degree from the National Technical University of Athens, and has held multiple C-suite positions during his 25-year career.

在这个问我任何问题的Q中&A, leading Toptal cybersecurity expert 髂骨Tivin responds to colleagues’ questions on AI in cybersecurity and provides data and network protection tips and best practices.



Ilia is a cybersecurity professional and developer with wide-ranging experience in the government, 国防, 制造业, 金融部门. A former cloud security architect at Hewlett Packard 企业, 他现在为高管客户提供规划方面的建议, 优先级, 执行战略安全计划.



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